Fake news, misinformation and disinformation: are we being prepared for The Great Deception?

You might have noticed that there is a War on Truth today. Governments and Mass Media are seeking to be the Truth Seers, the Truth Speakers and the Truth Guardians for all of mankind based on them saying to us: ‘You can’t trust anyone, but you can trust us!’ Here we have a bid from those wanting to unite the world of states and religions into a One World Consciousness that brooks no opposition to its narrative. A One World Consciousness ruled by a One World Government that uses a One World Religion to make us compliant to their eugenic designs which makes a Cult look benign in comparison!

As Catholics we have an optic on the world which uses the lens of reason and the lens of faith that enables us to discern the supernatural dimension as the natural dimension unfolds in history. So it is that we are called by Our Lord to read the signs of the times, but how do we read the attempts by present day governments to portray anything that does not conform to their narrative as fake news, disinformation or misinformation? Sadly, so many people have hung up their critical faculties and have succumbed to this new form of, what George Orwell called, the Ministry of Truth! [cf his novel ‘1984’].

Indeed, we find that Orwell depicts a Country he calls Oceania ruling over it’s people through four ministries which are defined in a deliberately contradictory way as this is how a false Narrative of a Totalitarian state is propagated. It’s seemingly contradictory statements are designed to keep the people confused and so it is easy to exercise total control over them. Hence, he depicts these four ministries of Oceania as the Ministry of Peace which concerns itself with war; the Ministry of Truth which is concerned with lies; the Ministry of Love which is concerned with torture; and the Ministry of Plenty which is concerned with starvation [Part II, Chapter IX of ‘1984’]. Never has there been a time like today when the three slogans of the Ministry of Truth is being so clearly activated over and against the people, namely, "War is Peace," "Freedom is Slavery," and "Ignorance is Strength." If it is true to say that the first casualty of War is truth, and if all around us there are numerous lies propagated by this Government on the people, then we can only conclude that it is our own Government that is waging war on us, the people!

Just consider how the policy of Net Zero brings about the cutting down of all energy use by blowing up pipelines, switching of gas, coal and nuclear stations, reducing all food production [by raising prices of seed and fertilizer] and closing down farms in order to save the planet. But what this practically and existentially means is that the human populace are to freeze and starve in the winter, unless of course the good God gives us a mild winter! Activists who promote this Net Zero policy are ironically called Extinction Rebellion but they do not realise that it is their own extinction, and humanity’s, that they are bringing about. Furthermore, consider how many are told that they can be saved from a pestilence if they take a gene altering and an immunity reducing serum and in so doing crash their health; consider how many are asked to support and promote a proxy war in another country by giving away billions of pounds and in so doing crash the economy, crash the value of the pound and cause the meltdown of small to medium businesses, thus causing mass unemployment and poverty. The irony is that so many of the population are compliant and some are even cheering for all this…till it comes to their doors!

So there is this widespread Political, Health and Economic Deception. Given our double lens we can naturally read by way of Common sense that this Deception is really going on. But our supernatural lens discerns something more, namely, that this Political, Health and Economic Deception is preparing the way for what Sacred Scripture calls The Great Deception!

The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness [2 Thess 2:9-12].

There may be other forms of deception on the way that will prepare people for this Great Deception [see Apoc 13:11-18], but there is one that is now looming which Daniel O’Connor calls to our attention. He discusses it in a podcast with Fr Dan Raheel, and it is about Aliens and UFOs, of all things! [Imminent Alien & UFO Deception—Exorcist Fr. Dan Reehil & Daniel O'Connor—RESIST The Coming Lie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_sU7dsn9Fw&t=4s&ab_channel=DanielO%27Connor].


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