
Dr dear Dr: Further to my request for some idea of how I can find those memes you mentioned, much to people’s amusement in the church that Sunday, might I at least have some outline of the Sermon given then on that Sunday, Bellarmine Sunday?

Herewith the Sunday Sermon for Bellarmine Sunday:

I have here my sermon some notes written on council letter paper, nothing overly or critically important, just a circular letter about the new coloured bins. Funny that, how it is kinda not inappropriate since many people nowadays reserve different coloured bins and different coloured philosophies for each man, the triumph of a pro-active Relativismus in society. Anyway sometimes attending public witness events at Christian festivals, one can be struck at the glaring christological canards and camels that the people gathered can be expected to swallow. So I belong to a religious website which features a clever Christological meme Series that is very funny and not altogether inappropriate either:


From my faulty memory I shall maybe mention a few memes I have seen come up on the site from time to time:

  1. "No need to worry, continue on your broad vistas and avenues and ways of materialismus, I will sort it all out at the end of time with God the Father, no need to worry about your souls";

  2. "No need to worry unduly about the Eucharist, this is just a token, a symbol of something deeper, a token rather than the reality of my Body going forward";

  3. "God the Father is a lovely totally regular kinda guy, who won't ask you to do anything for your souls";

  4. "No need to pray and conduct spiritual duties, just turn up at the pearly gates and all will be well, even if you have eaten and drunk like animals";

  5. "Peter, actually you are not the Rock on which I aim to build my church, better let these other guys have a crack at the top goal score position too, they all have a right to score just like you";

  6. "Oh just turn up at the pearly gates and all will be well, even if you have never said a prayer in your entire life for your own soul";

  7. "No need to bother about all that Old Testament old hat about not marrying within certain degrees of kindred, the 6th Precept which has disappeared my friend ever since Fr Mac corrected all that old gibberish in Rome, any and all children conceived are automatically blessed, even if you have had a union with your daughter, your sister, your cousin, your auntie, your stepmother, no problems, no worries";

  8. "Cool it on the good works front, what matters most is accepting me as your personal Saviour, to Hell with the Puritans and their 10 commandments";

  9. "Keep it cool man, forget about morals, nobody ever defined those not since the beginnings, and just remember the Beatles Song, "All you need is Love, altogether now", love and do what you will as my mate Augustine said after his affairs and his kid Deodatus, so just cool it on morals my friend - they are just old fashioned concerns."

So yes, these are examples of Famous things Jesus Never Actually Said, but isn't it funny, wouldn't it be nice as Lily James has it, if the world was just nice and everything was just cool, if everything was better than anyone anticipated; funny how popular these views are and how many, many people believe that Jesus actually said such things in the Californian rewrites of the actual Gospels, amazing hubris. Sorry to disappoint our dearest evangelical friends, such passionate energy such glaring christological canards, but these are just that, Famous Things Jesus Never Actually Said. Amen.

Hope this sermon might be of help - Good luck with your surfing the Interweb. 



