Dr dear Dr: I was intrigued by the mention the other Sunday of a website meme from your religious permutations and religious sites in which you recalled with much amusement those memes, Famous Things Jesus NEVER Actually Said, and I was wondering if you would just let me know via some link or something where to find those amusing memes. It would be such a lift to my dreary day.

The meme which recurs every so often on my religious site occurs sporadically though and one might be able to find it on Facebook Infinity or what is now called The Megaverse or somat. But a link I do not have right now before me on my Das Machine. But I shall send you a copy of the Sermon last weekend inter privatos, and herebelow is the next Sermon in that Series on this amusing subject of what Christology can occur on the Interweb:

Dear Friends:

A brief resume of last Sunday's brief sermon, the 25th Sunday in OTT:


If last weekend we were offering some thoughts on Famous Things that Jesus Never Actually Said, then this week we might briefly adumbrate some things that Jesus did say, especially on this occasion when he was correcting the crowds and the Pharisees for reducing him to the status of a merely Jewish prophet along the line of a series of human prophets, and of a merely human and Jewish messiah the sum today of their expectations from a merely human point of view, no matter what the denizens and netizens of the planet like to think about the centrality of the human race in the galaxy, for even our dear friends in the Holy Faith of Islam believe that Jesus is more than a mere prophet:

Jesus says to correct the pharisees - I am the Way, the Truth, the LIfe.

  • HODOS - The Way, not the Unway, and not the broad way of perdition, but rather enter by the narrow gate of heartfelt devotion, this is the Way;

  • ALETHEIA - The Truth, not the Falsity, not the False Way of False Promises then suddenly pulled like a rug at the end of life, but the Truth in a person, Truth with a capital T;

  • ZOON - The Life, not the Undead or the Way of Death, not leading towards a Culture of Death where Carousel and a Logan Couple occurs every week. 

ZOON is very important as a word, not quite like the word BIOS of the biologics of the planet, but rather the life force in the universe of God's creation and sustainment.

Against authors like Brian Cox, Article 51a, provided by a researcher here in the church this morning, reminds us from the Baltimore Catechism, that it is an article of faith for Christians, all Christians, to believe in life in other worlds and other alien systems, since the good God is munificent and creates life in various parts of the galaxies and cosmoses. Article 51a requires belief in God's actus essendi, eruptions of being in the universe leading to the formation of star factories in Nebulaic space. So, no, we do not concur with Brian, We are Not Alone.



Defective Intent

